International activities of the International Centre of Molecular Gastronomy

The international activities of the International Centre of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy


Dans cette rubrique

The International Centre for Molecular Gastronomy organizes many lectures, conferences, workshops.
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Molecular Gastronomy is active in many countries.
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Molecular Gastronomy is taught, but also it is used in various educational programmes.
The International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy ("Molecular Gastronomy") is a scientific journal, diamond model, double blind evaluation of the manuscripts, about molecular and physical gastronomy, educational practices and applications to cooking.
Here, we give a synthesis of the results obtained during experimental tests of culinary precisions, after seminars of molecular and physical gastronomy (see the French activities).
The International Centre of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy is creating worldwide collaborations, as well as promoting scientific exchange in the field of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy.
The Inrae-AgroParisTech International Centre for Molecular and Physical Gastronomy is in charge of international activities, in collaboration with colleagues from various universities (see the Network)
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Synthetic ("note by note") cooking is a new way of cooking, based on using pure compounds, instead of traditional food ingredients.
The International Workshops on Molecular Gastronomy are organized since 1992. They contribute to the development of molecular, physical and biological gastronomy in the world.

Date de modification : 04 juin 2024 | Date de création : 17 juin 2022 | Rédaction : Hervé This vo Kientza