4.1. Recipes

4.1. Edible Ideas

4.1. Recipes Manuscripts submitted to this section must focus on original recipes with an innovative character. These, for example, may involve techniques not considered classical (molecular cuisine), or they may involve the use of ingredients which were not used in the past in occidental cuisines (for example, algae or algae extracts, plants fractions, etc.) . Manuscripts must include - Title; - Abstract; - Keywords. And also the following five sections: - Introduction: giving a contextualization and justification of the work and indication of the objectives; - Materials and Methods: with the presentation of the recipe (see rules below) in a complete, precise and concise manner, which must be clear and easy to follow; - Results and Discussion: the results must be clear and concise and include relevant photos; the discussion should comment on the techniques used and the results obtained, as well as the social, artistic and technical aspects of the dish and how the objectives were achieved, the innovative nature of the work must also be justified; - Conclusions: these should be short, consequential to the results and mention how the work contributes to the field of culinary technology; - References - relevant references should always be included. The citation and reference format described in the Instructions for Authors must be used. The recipe must be reproducible from the information provided and must be formatted according to the following rules: - The dish must have a name; - Recipes should start with the overall design of the dish (parts and relationship between them); - If possible, the number of servings should be included; - If the recipe has different parts, each one must be presented separately, with their respective titles, and each one must include the list of ingredients and the method of preparation; - Ingredient lists must be written in the order in which they are used; - If an ingredient starts with a letter instead of a number, capitalize the first letter; - Values ​​must be accurate; - Weight and volume units throughout the recipe must be consistent (metric system always); - The recipe should end with instructions on how to assemble the different components in the final dish, including a photo of the dish. Audio and video documents are welcome.

Dans ce dossier

Energy consumption in modern food production is recognized as a major environmental concern. Traditional cooking methods often require significant energy, contributing to the overall carbon footprint of our diets. In response, Note by Note cooking, an innovative culinary technique introduced in 1994, helps to reduce energy use in food preparation by focusing on pure compounds. Inspired by the comforting memories of home-made apple pie, a dessert that is both nostalgic and widely appreciated across countries, "The Unplugged Apple Pie" is presented. The challenge was to keep the familiarity while adhering to the principles of Note by Note cooking. This meant no oven, no long cooking times, and a preference for a short list of ingredients. The results show the potential of the approach for more sustainable cooking techniques and recipes.

A winning recipe of the 11th International Contest for Note by Note Cooking. DOI: 10.17180/ijmpg-2024-art05.

Publication of the article Bellot L, Gueguen A, Hong C. 2023. “La Vie en Rose”: a note by note savory dish, International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy,, 9(1) 14, 1-8. DOI: 10.17180/ijmpg-2023-art14. in the Recipe Section

Shende D. 2023. Summer with sustainability: note by note cooking utilizing food waste, International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 9(1), 13, 1-4. DOI: 10.17180/ijmpg-2023-art13.

The International of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy publishes articles dealing with applications of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy to technique and art. When the culinary art is concerned, such applications falls in the category of "Edible ideas"