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The Journal

About the International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy

The International Journal on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy (short name Molecular Gastronomy) is a scientific journal, diamond model, double blind evaluation of the manuscripts, about molecular, physical and biological gastronomy

The International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy  is a scientific journal, diamond model, double blind evaluation of the manuscripts, about molecular,  physical and biological gastronomy.
ISSN  2431-0859

Articles are open access documents under the CC BY license (

It is headed by an international Editorial Board : here

It publishes articles in various sections :

  1. News
    Short News
    Image for thought (Section Editor: Pr Jose Miguel Aguilera)
    Books reviews  and article reviews, including mini-reviews (Section Editor: Clark Danderson)
  2. Scientific Part
    Research Notes
    Commentaries (including Commentaries by Reviewers)
    Letters to the Editors (Section Editor: Pr Volker Hessel)
    Litterature Reviews (including Discussions of Culinary Precisions)
    Conference Proceedings
  3. Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, and Education/Communication
    3.1. Research Papers in Education/Communication  (Section Editor: Pr Roisin Burke)
    3.2. Developments, practices and policy (Section Editor: Pr Roisin Burke)
              3.2.1. New instructional methods and pedagogies
              3.2.2. Courses
              3.2.3. How to do and educational material
              3.2.4. Practice, trends and policy
             3.2.5. Educational Documents
  4. "Edible Ideas" (applications on molecular and physical gastronomy to cooking)
    Recipes (Section Editor: Paulina Mata)
    Questions and answers

    Techniques and Tips (Section Editor: Dr Laura Febvay)
    Experimental tests of culinary precisions (Section Editor: Pr Mark Traynor)

See the Instructions to Authors : here
Ethics at Molecular Gastronomy : here

The articles published (per year)  : here



ISSN  2431-0859

Date de modification : 06 juin 2024 | Date de création : 20 septembre 2022 | Rédaction : H. This