Publications Groupe Chimie aliments et gout

Publications du Groupe Français de Chimie des Aliments et du Goût

Le "Groupe Français de Chimie des Aliments et du Goût" est un groupe thématique de la Société française de chimie. Il regroupe toutes celles et tous ceux qui considèrent : - les aliments, le goût - l'existence de molécules dans leur travail. Cela inclut bien sûr : la "chimie analytique", la synthèse chimique, la biochimie, la physico-chimie, la toxicologie (pour partie), la nutrition (pour partie), les procédés (pour partie), etc.

Des articles publiés par des membres du Groupe français de chimie des aliments et du goût

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Ils sont donnés par ordre de publication décroissante : les plus récemment parus sont en haut de la liste.


Ramos M, Camel V, Le Roux E, Farah S, Cladiere M. 2024. Effect of different pooled qc samples on data quality during an inter-batch experiment in untargeted UHPLC-HRMS analysis on two different MS platforms, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry,417(2) 311-321. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05646-6

Guillaume JB, Da Lage JL, Mezdour S, Marion-Poll F, Terrol C, Brouzes CMC, Schmidely P. 2024. Amylase activity across black soldier fly larvae development and feeding substrates: insights on starch digestibility and external digestion, Animal, 18(11). DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2024.101337

Chagnon MC, Nguyen PM, Pissis A, Dahbi L, Lyathaud C, Santos J, Moche H, Platel A, Vitrac O, Domenek S. 2024. PackSafe: Integrated chemical safety assessment of Food Contact Articles (ANR-21-CE21-0004 project: 2022-2025), Toxicology Letters, 399. DOI10.1016/j.toxlet.2024.07.844

Benkhelifa H, Zennoune A, Latil P, Flin F, Geindreau C, Ndoye FT. 2024. Understanding the impact of freezing and storage on the microstructure of a porous food using synchrotron X-rays microtomography, 26th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, 3, 130-142. DOI: 10.18462/iir.icr.2023.0350

FN CShahbazi M, Jäger H, Huc-Mathis D, Kashi PA, Ettelaie R, Sarkar A, Chen JS. 2024. Depletion Flocculation of High Internal Phase Pickering Emulsion Inks: A Colloidal Engineering Approach to Develop 3D Printed Porous Scaffolds with Tunable Bioactive Delivery, ACS Applied materials and interfaces, 16(33), 43430-43450.

Liao JR, Guo ZL, Shen JH, Lin XQ, Turchiuli C, Li YW, Zhang YJ, Lin J, Zheng H, Miao S, Lei HT, Wu SZ. 2024. The effect of pH shifting on the calcium-fortified milk analogue with chickpea protein, Food Chemistry, 460(2), DOI10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.140623

Vitrac O, Ouadi S, Hayert M, Domenek S, Cornuau G, Nguyen PM. 2024. FitNESS: An E-Learning Platform to Design Safe and Responsible Food Packaging, Journal of chemical education, 101(8), 3170-3192.

Holestelle C, Divoux L, MIchon C, Huc-Mathis D. 2024. Unravelling the emulsifying properties of unfractionated plant powders: From interface to bulk, Food Hydrocolloids, 157, 110348

Kaade W, Huc-Mathis D, Drouet L, Drouet C, Blumenthal D, Daniellou R. 2024. An experimental design approach to modeling water-free foams, Colloids and surfaces A - Physicochemical and engineering aspects, 699, 134700.

Umama M, Simal S, Dalmau E, Turchiuli C, Chevigny C. 2024. Evaluation of Different Pectic Materials Coming from Citrus Residues in the Production of Films, Foods, 13(13), 2138

Hollestelle C,  Michon C, Fayolle N, Huc-Mathis D. 2024. Co-stabilization mechanisms of solid particles and soluble compounds in hybrid Pickering emulsions stabilized by unrefined apple pomace powder, Food Hydrocolloids, DOI10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.109184

Barbillon A, Lerch TZ, Araujo JHR,  Manouchehri N,  Robain H, Pando-Bahuon A, Cambier P, Nold F, Besançon S, Aubry C. 2024. Recycling wastes to mitigate trace elements contamination in plants: a new horizon for urban agriculture in polluted soils, Frontiers in food science, DOI10.3389/fsoil.2023.1163356

Mazian B, M'barek HN, Almeida G, Augusto P, Perré P. 2024. Water behavior, equilibrium, and migration of a biomaterial made of pure mycelium, Emergent Materials, 6, 6P, 1889-1902. DOI10.1007/s42247-023-00579-9

Da Silva YF, Almeida G,  Veiga ATV, Oliveira RN, Perré P, Simao RA. 2024. Plasma-induced formation of coatings on vegetable ivory microparticles immersed in silicone oil: Enhancing surface coverage using natural products, Plasma processes and polymers, 21(3), DOI10.1002/ppap.202300154

FLee, J, Roux, S,  Descharles, D, Rega, B, Bonazzi, C. 2024. Unravelling caramelization and Maillard reactions in glucose and glucose plus leucine model cakes: Formation and degradation kinetics of volatile markers extracted during baking, FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2024.114183

Monod, R , Clerjon, S, Leroy, C, Septier, C, Houinsou-Houssou, B, This, H , Salles, C, Thomas-Danguin. 2024. A domestic-like carrot cooking methodology for multiple research applications, MethodsX,DOI10.1016/j.mex.2024.102666

Gastaldi, E, Buendia, F, Greuet, P, Bouchou, ZB,  Benihya, A , Cesar, G , Domenek, S. 2024. Degradation and environmental assessment of compostable packaging mixed with biowaste in full-scale industrial composting conditions, Bioresource Technology, DOI10.1016/j.biortech.2024.130670

Lecanu, R , Della Valle, G, Leverrier, C, Ramaioli, M. 2024. Predicting the gravity-driven flow of power law fluids in a syringe: a rheological map for the IDDSI classification, Rheologica Acta, DOI10.1007/s00397-024-01449-9

Savouré, T., Madoumier, M., Rivier, M., Dornier, M., & Collignan, A. (2024). Integrated, multi-scale and multi-objective design of batch food processing plants. Part 1: Methodology. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 144, 50-60.

Savouré, T., Madoumier, M., Rivier, M., Dornier, M., & Collignan, A. (2024). Integrated, multi-scale and multi-objective design of batch food processing plants. Part 2: Application to a mobile fruit and vegetable processing unit. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 144, 61-74.

Guivier M, Chevigny C, Domenek S, Casalinho J, Perré P, Almeida G. 2008. Water vapor transport properties of bio-based multilayer materials determined by original and complementary methods, 2024. Scientific Reports, (14) 1. DOI10.1038/s41598-023-50298-8.

 Hollestelle C, Huc-Mathis D, Michon C, Blumenthal D. 2024. Quantitative effects of formulation and process parameters on the structure of food emulsions stabilized with an unrefined by-product powder: A statistical approach, Food Research International, 182, DOI10.1016/j.foodres.2024.114150.

Mazian B, M'barek HN, Almeida G, Augusto P, Perre P. 2024. Water behavior, equilibrium, and migration of a biomaterial made of pure mycelium, Emergent materials, 6(6), 1889-1902

Le Delliou B, Vitrac O, Benihya A, Guinault A, Domenek S. 2024. Development of extrusion blown films of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) blends for flexible packaging, Journal of applied polymers, DOI:10.1002/app.55240.

Frantz N, Dutra LF, Nguyen DM, Almeida G, Perré PP. Effects of phase ratios, density and particle shapes on directional thermal conductivity of vegetable concrete: A predictive model, Construction and building materials, 410, DOI10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134238.

This vo Kientza H. 2024. Questions and answers: when words are analysed from a chemical and physical perspective, innovation is easy, International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 10(1), 1-12.


Varela-Feijoo A, Djemia P, Narita T, Pignon F, Baeza-Squiban A, Sirri V, Ponton A. 2023. Multiscale investigation of viscoelastic properties of aqueous solutions of sodium alginate and evaluation of their biocompatibility, Soft Matter, 19(31), 5942-5955, DOI10.1039/d3sm00159h

Degrand L, Garcia R, Urion, KC, Guiga, W. 2023. Varela-Feijoo A, Djemia P, Narita T, Pignon F, Baeza-Squiban A, Sirri V, Ponton A. 2023. Dynamic light scattering for the determination of linoleic acid critical micelle concentration. Effect of pH, ionic strength, and ethanol, Journal of molecular liquid,  388, DOI10.1016/j.molliq.2023.122670

Urena, M , Phung, TTT, Gerometta, M, Oliveira, LD, Chanut, J, Domenek, S, Dole, P, Roudaut, G, Lagorce, A, Karbowiak, T. 2023. Potential of polysaccharides for food packaging applications. Part 1/2: An experimental review of the functional properties of polysaccharide coatings, Food Hydrocolloids, 144, DOI10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.108955

Dinis K, Tsamba L, Jamin E, Camel V. 2023. Untargeted metabolomics-based approach using UHPLC-HRMS to authenticate carrots (Daucus carota L.) based on geographical origin and production mode, Food Chemistry, 423, 136273. DOI10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.136273.

This H. 2023. Pourquoi nous devrions parler de réactions de glycation ou de réactions amino-carbonyles plutôt que de réactions de Maillard, L’Actualité chimique, juillet-août 2023, N° 486, 51-57.

Stoll L, Maillard MN, Le Roux E, Flores SH, Nachtingal SMB, Rios A, Domenek S. 2023. Bixin, a performing natural antioxidant in active food packaging for the protection of oxidation sensitive food, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 180, 114730, DOI10.1016/j.lwt.2023.114730.

Le Deliou B, Vitrac O, Benihya A, Dole P, Domenek S. 2023. Film-blown blends of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) by compatibilization with poly(butylene-co-succinate-co-adipate) with a free radical initiator, Polymer Testing, 124, 108072, DOI10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.108072

Di Corcia, S., Dornier, M., Palmade, L., & Dhuique-Mayer, C. (2022). Enhancement of the in vitro bioavailable carotenoid content of a citrus juice combining crossflow microfiltration and high-pressure treatments. Food Research International, 156(111134), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111134

Hammad, I., Dornier, M., Lebrun, M., Maraval, I., Poucheret, P., & Dhuique-Mayer, C. (2022). Impact of crossflow microfiltration on aroma and sensory profiles of a potential functional citrus-based food Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 11926. doi:10.1002/jsfa.11926

Ravoninjatovo, M., Ralison, C., Servent, A., Morel, G., Achir, N., Andriamazaoro, H., & Dornier, M. (2022). Effects of soaking and thermal treatment on nutritional quality of three varieties of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from Madagascar. Legume Science, 1-16. doi:10.1002/leg3.143

Maurente, L., Callejas, N., Volonterio, E., Baréa, B., Barouh, N., Bourlieu-Lacanal, C., Durand, E., Villeneuve, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Jachmanián, I. Effect of the water content and the lengthening of fatty acids chain on the iCALB-catalyzed esterification in deep eutectic solvents. J Am Oil Chem Soc., 2023. 1-11.

Severin I, Dahbi L, Domenek S, Nguyen PM, Platel A, Vitrac O, Chagnon MC. 2023. Integrated chemical safety assessment of food contact articles, 58(2), 134-141. DOI10.1016/j.cnd.2022.12.005

This vo Kientza H. 2023.  Why we should speak of glycation reactions, or of amino-carbonyl reactions, instead of Maillard reaction, IMARS Highlights Volume18, Number 3 May. 15, 5-18. 

Reina, Miguel, This, Hervé, Reina, Antonio. 2022. Reply to “Using the Right Words in the Right Way: Atom, Molecule, Element, and Compound”, Journal of Chemical Education,

Becilia FZ, Bouasla A, Turchiuli C, Almeida G, Moulin G, Bekhouche F. 2023. Fermentation effects on physical, microstructural, cooking and sensory characteristics of a traditional Algerian couscous based on fermented wheat , Volume53, Article Number102505, DOI10.1016/j.fbio.2023.102505

Guivier M, Almeida G, Domenek S, Chevigny C. 2023. Resilient high oxygen barrier multilayer films of nanocellulose and polylactide, Volume312, Article Number120761, DOI10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.120761

Bugarin-Castillo Y,  Rando P, Clabaux M,  Moulin G, Ramaioli M. 2023. 3D printing to modulate the texture of starch-based food, Volume350, Article Number111499, DOI10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2023.111499

 Hernández-Parada, N., González-Ríos, O., Suárez-Quiroz, M. L. Hernández-Estrada, Z. J., Figueroa-Hernández, C. Y., Figueroa-Cárdenas, J. D., Rayas-Duarte, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C. Exploiting the native microorganisms from different food matrices to formulate starter cultures for sourdough bread production. Microorganisms, 2023. 11 (1) : 109-131.


Daoud N, Brysse C, Domenek S, Vitrac O. 2022. Optimizing the design of  barrrier layers for  promoting the use of recycled materials for food contact, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on simulation and modellin in the food and bio-industry 2022 (Foodsim' 2022), 91-95.

By:Kermorvant J Nguyen PM, Lyathaud C, Domenek S, Vitrac O. 2022. roceedings of the 12th International Conference on simulation and modellin in the food and bio-industry 2022 (Foodsim' 2022), 151-155

Volker Hesse, Shu Liang, Nam Nghiep, Marc Escribà-Gelonch, Olivia Zeckovic, Matthew Knowling, Evgeny Rebrov, Herve This, Seth Westra, Ian Fisk, Matthew Gilliham, Alexandra Burgess, Eustress in Space: Opportunities for Plant Stressors Beyond the Earth Ecosystem, Frontiers in Astronical and Space Sciences, 08 March 2022,

Hervé This, A propos de l’article Ultra-processed foods: how functional is the NOVA system?, Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France / Academic Notes from the French Academy of Agriculture, 2022, 2, 1-9.

Hervé This, La cuisine : une technique, parfois un art, certainement pas une science de la nature, Cooking: a technique, sometimes an art, never a science of nature. ISTE Open Science, 2, DOI : 10.21494/ISTE.OP.2022.0808.

Reina, Miguel, This, Hervé, Reina, Antonio. 2022. Improving the understanding of chemistry by using the right words: A clear-cut strategy to avoid misconceptions when talking about elements, atoms and molecules, The Journal of Chemical Education. 8 juillet 2022,

Hervé This Vo Kientza. Using the disperse system formalism, DSF, to determine the first two classes of complex suspensions. International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 2022, 2, 1-8.

Hervé This, Louis Pasteur : de la physico-chimie à la biologie, Comptes-rendus de l’Académie des sciences (CRAS) Volume 25 (2022), p. 237-251. 6 September 2022,

Hervé This, Louis Pasteur : de la physico-chimie à la biologie, Comptes-rendus de l’Académie des sciences (CRAS) Volume 25 (2022), p. 237-251. 6 September 2022,

Hervé This, La science inutile ? La science hors du monde ? Assez avec cette rengaine idiote, L'Actualité chimique, juillet-août 2022, N°475, pp. 7-9.

Marques B, Perre P, Casalinho J, Tadini CC, Plana-Fattori A, Almeida G. 2022. Evidence of iso-volume deformation during convective drying of yacon: An extended van Meel model adapted to large volume reduction. Journal of Food Engineering, DOI10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.111311

Bahari A, Moelants K, Huc-Mathis D, Wallecan J, Mangiante G, Mazoyer J, Hendrickx M, Grauwet T. 2022. Compositional and rheological analysis of carrageenan from the gametophyte phase of the red seaweed Chondrus crispus neutrally extracted at varying temperatures and time, Journal of Food Hydrocolloids, DOI10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.107995

Shazra S, Zotzel J, Stadtmuller J, Bonerz D, Ashoff J, Olsen K, Rinnan A, Saint-Eve A, Maillard MN, Orlien V. 2022. Effect of industrial process conditions of fava bean (Vicia faba L.) concentrates on physico-chemical and functional properties, DOI10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103142

Lachin K, Niane M, Mazet J, Delaplace G, Turciuli C. 2022. Prediction of droplets characteristic diameters and polydispersity index induced by a bifluid spraying nozzle by the means of dimensional analysis, DOI10.1016/j.ces.2022.118187

Becila FZ, Bouasla A, Turchiuli C, Boussekine R, Kekhouch F, Wojtowicz A. 2022. Biochemical and Microbiological Changes Associated with Fermentation of Durum Wheat for Lemzeiet Processing, a Traditional Algerian Fermented Food, DOI10.3390/pr10112347

Krause S Asamoah EA, Huc-Mathis D, Moulin G, Jakobi R, Rega B, Bonazzi C. 2022. Food Chemistry, 386, 132653. DOI10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132653

Perre P, Remond R, Almeida G. 2022. Multiscale analysis of water vapor diffusion in low density fiberboard: Implications as a building material, Construction and building materials, 329, DOI10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127047

Delaplace G, Jeantet R, Grenville R, Cuvelier G, Loubiere K. 2022. How dimensional analysis allows to go beyond Metzner-Otto concept for non-Newtonian fluids, Reviews in chemical engineering, 38(3), 407-429.

Latil P, Zennoune A, Ndoye FT, Flin F, Geindreau C, Kenkheliva H. 2022. X-ray microtomography of ice crystal formation and growth in a sponge cake during its freezing and storage, Journal of food engineering, 325, DOI10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.110989

Krause S, Debon S, Palchen K, Jakobi R, Rega B, Bonazzi C, Grauwet T. 2022. In vitro digestion of protein and starch in sponge cakes formulated with pea (Pisum sativum L.) ingredients, Food & Function, 13 (6), 3206-3219. DOI10.1039/d1fo03601g

Perré, P., Nguyen, D.M, Almeida, G., 2022. Mechanisms of liquid imbibition in wood: a macroscopic Washburn approach derived from X-ray tomography observations.Scientific reports, 12 (1) 1750 .

Palanisamy A, Moulin G, Ramaioli M, Plana-Fatori A, Flick D, Menut P. 2022. Determination of the mechanical properties of gelatinized starch granule from bulk suspension characterization, Rheologica Acta, DOI10.1007/s00397-022-01325-4

Monnet AF, Saint-Eve A, Michon C, Jeuffroy MH, Delarue J, Blumenthal D. 2022. Tailoring the Properties of Pea-Enriched Soft Cakes Using a Multiobjective Model Based on Sensory-Relevant Instrumental Characterization, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 15(2), 459-473.

Krause S, Asamoah EA, Moulin G, Bonazzi C, Rega B. 2022. Lipid oxidation during the beating of cake batter containing yellow pea (Pisum sativum L.) flour, LWT-Food science and technology, 154, 112770. DOI10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112770

Urion KC, Garcia R, Boussard A, Degrand L, Guiga W. 2022. Optimization of pure linoleic acid 13-HPX production by enzymatic reaction pathway: Unravelling oxygen transfer role, Chemical Engineering Journal, 430, 4, 132978. DOI10.1016/j.cej.2021.132978

Le Delliou B, Vitrac O, Castro M, Bruzaud S, Domenek S. 2022. Characterization of a new bio-based and biodegradable blends of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and poly(butylene-co-succinate-co-adipate), Journal of applied polymer science, 52124. DOI10.1002/app.52124

 Grajeda Iglesias, C., Figueroa-Espinoza M. C., Barouh, N., Muñoz-Castellanos, L.-N., Salas, E. Polyphenol lipophilisation: a suitable tool for the valorisation of natural by-products. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2022. 57: 6935-6947.

Lombo Vidal, O., Barros Santos, M. C., Batista, A. P., Andrigo, F. F., Baréa, B., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Gontard, N., Villeneuve, P., Guillard, V., Rezende, C. M., Bourlieu-Lacanal, C., Larraz Ferreira, M. S. Active packaging films containing antioxidant extracts from green coffee oil by-products to prevent lipid oxidation. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022. 312: 110744.

 Barouh, N., Bourlieu-Lacanal, C., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Durand, E., Villeneuve, P.  Tocopherols as antioxidants in lipid-based systems: The combination of chemical and physicochemical interactions determines their efficiency. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2022. 21(1): 642-688.


Lancha, J.P., Colin, J., Almeida, G., Guerin, C., Casalinho, J., Perré, P. 2021. A validated Distributed Activation Energy Model (DAEM) to predict the chemical degradation of biomass as a function of hydrothermal treatment conditions. Bioresource Technology, 341, 125831.

Lancha, J.P., Perré, P., Colin, J., Lv, P., Ruscassier, N., Almeida, G. 2021. Multiscale investigation on the chemical and anatomical changes of lignocellulosic biomass for different severities of hydrothermal treatment. Scientific reports, 11 (1), 1-16.

Nguyen, D.M, Almeida, G., Nguyen, T.M.L, Zhang, J., Lu, P., Colin, J., Perré, P. 2021. A critical review of current imaging techniques to investigate water transfers in wood and biosourced materials, Transport in Porous Media 137(10), 21-61.

Lee J, Toux S, Le Roux E, Keller S, Rega B, Bonazzi C. 2022. p Unravelling caramelization and Maillard reactions in glucose and glucose plus leucine model cakes: Formation and degradation kinetics of precursors, alpha-dicarbonyl intermediates and furanic compounds during baking, Food Chemistry, 376, 131917. DOI10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131917

Renaud, C., Lamballerie, M., Guyon, C., Astruc, T., Vénien A., Pottier L., 2022, Effects of high-pressure treatment on the muscle structure of salmon (Salmo salar). Accepted in Food Chemistry

Prache, S., Adamiec, C., Astruc, T., Baéza-Campone, E., Bouillot P-E., Clinquart, A., Feidt, C., Fourat, E., Gautron, J., Guillier, L., Kesse-Guyot, E., Lebret, B., Lefèvre, F., Martin, B., Mirade, P-S., Pierre, F., Raulet, M., Rémond, D., Sans, P., Souchon, I., Donnars, C., Santé-Lhoutellier, V., Girard, A., Le Perchec, S. 2022. Quality of animal-source foods. Accepted in Animal

Portanguen, S., Tournayre, P., Sicard, J., Astruc, T., & Mirade, P. (2022). 3D food printing: Genesis, trends and prospects. In R. Bhat (Ed.), Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges Elsevier Inc. ed., Chapter 36, pp. 18.

Functional Microswitches of Mammalian G Protein-Coupled Bitter-Taste Receptors. J. Topin, C. Bouysset, Y. Kim, M. Rhyu, S. Fiorucci, J. Golebiowski. 2021.Cell. Mol. Life Sci., 2021, 78, 7605–7615.

This H. 2021. Les cristaux d’Auguste Laurent et des techniques d’analyse optique de Jean-Baptiste Biot furent directement à l’origine de la découverte de la chiralité par Louis Pasteur, Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture de France, 9, 1-33.

Prache S., Santé-Lhoutellier V., Donnars C. (coord), Adamiec C., Astruc T., Baeza-Campone E., Bouillot P.E., Clinquart A., Feidt C., Fourat E., Gautron J., Guillier L., Kesse-Guyot E., Lebret B., Lefevre F., Martin B., Mirade P.S., Pierre F., Rémond D., Sans P., Souchon I., Girard A., Le Perchec S., Raulet M., 2021. Qualité des aliments d’origine animale, production et transformation. Éditions Quæ (France), 170 p

Chian, F.M., Kaur, L., Astruc, T., Vénien, A., Stübler, A-S., Aganovic, K., Loison, O., Hodgkinson, S., Boland, M. 2021. Shockwave processing of beef brisket in conjunction with sous vide cooking: Effects on protein structural characteristics and muscle microstructure, Food Chemistry, 343, 128500

Supaphon P., Kerdpiboon S., Vénien A., Loison O., Sicard J., Rouel J., Astruc T. 2021. Structural changes in local Thai beef during sous-vide cooking. Meat Science, 175, 108442.

Vaskoska, R., Venien, A., Ha, M., White, J. D., Unnithan, R. R., Astruc, T., & Warner, R. D. 2021. Thermal denaturation of proteins in the muscle fibre and connective tissue from bovine muscles composed of type I (masseter) or type II (cutaneous trunci) fibres: DSC and FTIR microspectroscopy study. Food Chemistry, 343, 128544.

Zennoune A, Latil P, Ndoye FT, Flin F, Perrin J, Geindreau C, Benkhelifa H. 2021. 3D Characterization of Sponge Cake as Affected by Freezing Conditions Using Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography at Negative Temperature, Foods, 10(12),

Siddharth S, Zotzel J, Stadtmuller J, Donerz D, Aschoff J, Saint-Eve A, Maillard MN, Olsen K, Rinnan A, Vibeke O. 2021. Two Statistical Tools for Assessing Functionality and Protein Characteristics of Different Fava Bean (Vicia faba L.) Ingredients, Foods 10(10) DOI10.3390/foods10102489

Terlouw C. E. M., Deiss V., Astruc T. 2021. Stunning of pigs with different gas mixtures: behavioural and physiological reactions. Meat Science, 175, 108452

Terlouw C. E. M., Deiss V., Astruc T. 2021. Comparing gas and electrical stunning: effects on meat quality of pigs when pre-stunning physical activity is minimal. Foods, 10, 319.

Chian F-M., Kaur L., Oey I., Astruc T., Hodgkinson S. & Boland M. 2021. Effects of pulsed electric field (PEF) and sous vide (SV) cooking on muscle structure and in vitro protein digestibility of beef brisket. Foods,10, 512.

Théron, L., Bonifacie, A., Delabre, J., Sayd, T., Aubry, L., Gatellier, P., Ravel, C., Chambon, C., Astruc, T., Rouel, J., Santé-Lhoutelier, V., Refregiers, M.., and Wien, F. 2021. Investigation by Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism of the Secondary Structure Evolution of Pepsin under Oxidative Environment. Foods 2021, 10, 998. 10.3390/foods10050998

N’Gatta, K.C.A.; Kondjoyan, A.; Favier, R.; Rouel, J.; Vénien, A.; Astruc, T.; Gruffat, D.; Mirade, P.-S. 2021. Impact of Tumbling Process on the Toughness and Structure of Raw Beef Meat Pieces. Foods, 10, 2802. https://

Krause S, Keller S, Hashemi A, Descharles N, Bonazzi C, Rega B. 2021. From flours to cakes: Reactivity potential of pulse ingredients to generate volatile compounds impacting the quality of processed foods, 371, 131379

Faraj H, Sollogoub C, Guinault A, Gervais M, Bras J, Salmi-Mani H, Roger P, Le Gars, Domenek S. 2021. A comparative study of the thermo-mechanical properties of polylactide/ cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposites obtained by two surface compatibilization strategies, 29, 102907

Abbou, A., Kadri, N., Servent, A., Ricci, J., Khodir, M., Dornier, M., Collignan, A., Achir, N. (2021). Setting up a diagram process for the elaboration of a new plant-based beverage from Pinus halepensis seeds: Selection of unit operations and their conditions. Journal of Food Process Engineering, e13943.

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Roisin Burke, Alan Kelly, Christophe Lavelle, Hervé This vo Kientza, Foreword, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press,

Roisin Burke, Alan Kelly, Christophe Lavelle, Hervé This vo Kientza, Introduction do Molecular Gastronomy and its applications, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press,

Hervé This vo Kientza, Bioactivity and its measurement, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Capillarity in action, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Chantillys : the cousins of whipped cream, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Laura Febvay, Hervé This vo Kientza, Coffee preparation. From roasted beans to beverage, , Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Cooking, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Culinary precisions and robustness of recipes, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

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Hervé This vo Kientza, Let us have an egg, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press.

Hervé This vo Kientza, Emulsions and foams : Ostwald ripening and dispropornation in practice, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Emulsions and surfactants in the kitchen, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Evaporation, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Expansion, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This and José Miguel Aguilera, Food matrices and matrix effect, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza and Christophe Lavelle, Food Pairing : is it really about science ?, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Gels, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Alan Kelly and Hervé This vo Kientza, Microwave heating and modern cuisine, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Osmosis in the kitchen, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza and Laura Febvray, Roasting, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Marie-Paule Pardo, Rolande Ollitrault, Salt : when should salt be added to meat being grilled ?, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Sauces, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, The right words for improving communication in food science, food technology and beetween food science and food technology and a broader audience, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Flavour experimental workshops, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Marie-Claude Feore, Laure Fort, Marie Blanche Mauhourat, Hervé This vo Kientza, « Science and Cooking Activities » for Secondary School Students, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Reine Barbar, Jean-Marie Malbec, Christophe Lavelle, Hervé This vo Kientza, An educational satellite project around the scientific elucidation of culinary precisions in Lebanon and in the Middle East, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Simple calculations based on cooking, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, The monthly INRAE-AgroParisTech Seminars on molecular gastronomy, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Decantation, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Christophe Lavelle, Hervé This vo Kientza, Using liqui nitrogen to prepare ice creams in the restaurant, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, An eclipse dish, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, How do eggs coagulate, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Filtration, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Roisin Burke, Note by note cooking and note by note cuisine, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

Hervé This vo Kientza, Pierre Gagnaire, Molecular mixology : Welcome coffee, a cocktail with ten layers, Handbook of Molecular Gastronomy, CRC Press

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Inorganic arsenic exposure of the French general population. Identification of toxicity reference values

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Tromelin, A., Koensgen, F., Audouze, K., Guichard, E., & Thomas-Danguin, T. (2020). Exploring the Characteristics of an Aroma-Blending Mixture by Investigating the Network of Shared Odors and the Molecular Features of Their Related Odorants. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 25(13).

White, T. L., Thomas-Danguin, T., Olofsson, J. K., Zucco, G. M., & Prescott, J. (2020). Thought for food : Cognitive influences on chemosensory perceptions and preferences. Food Quality and Preference, 79, 103776‑103776.

Wycke, M.-A., Coureaud, G., Thomas-Danguin, T., & Sandoz, J.-C. (2020). Configural perception of a binary olfactory mixture in honey bees, as in humans, rodents and newborn rabbits. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(21), jeb227611.

Characterizing the Dynamic Taste and Retro-Nasal Aroma Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements Using Temporal Dominance of Sensation and Temporal Check-All-That-Apply Methods. Delompré T, Lenoir L, Martin C, Briand L, Salles C. Foods. 2020 Oct 13;9(10):1456. doi: 10.3390/foods9101456.

Interactions Between Odorants and Glutathione Transferases in the Human Olfactory Cleft.

Schwartz M, Menetrier F, Heydel JM, Chavanne E, Faure P, Labrousse M, Lirussi F, Canon F, Mannervik B, Briand L, Neiers F.Chem Senses. 2020 Nov 7;45(8):645-654. doi: 10.1093/chemse/bjaa055.

Factors affecting flavor perception in space: Does the spacecraft environment influence food intake by astronauts? Taylor AJ, Beauchamp JD, Briand L, Heer M, Hummel T, Margot C, McGrane S, Pieters S, Pittia P, Spence C.Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2020 Nov;19(6):3439-3475. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12633. Epub 2020 Sep 18.

COVID 19-Induced Smell and Taste Impairments: Putative Impact on Physiology. Meunier N, Briand L, Jacquin-Piques A, Brondel L, Pénicaud L.Front Physiol. 2021 Jan 26;11:625110. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.625110. eCollection 2020.

Biancolillo A, Preys S, Gaci B, Le Quere JL, Laboure H, Cheynier V, Sommerer N, Fayeulle N, Costet P, Hue C, Boulanger R, Alary K, Lebrun M, Lahon MC, Morel G, Maraval I, Davrieux F, Roger JM (2021). Multi-block analysis for multiplatform characterization of chocolate and cocoa samples. Food Chem, 340, 127904.

Watrelot A, Le Guernevé C, Halle H, Meudec E, Veran F, Garcia F, Williams P, Robillard B, Poncet-Legrand C, Cheynier V (2020) Multi-method approach for extensive characterization of gallnut tannin extracts. J Agric Food Chem, 68, 47, 13426–13438.

Fayeulle N, Preys S, Roger JM, Cheynier V, Sommerer N. (2020) Multiblock analysis to relate polyphenol targeted mass spectrometry and sensory properties of chocolates and cocoa beans. Metabolites 10(8), 311.

Savouré, T., Dornier, M., Maraval, I., & Collignan, A. (2021). Sensory quantitative descriptive analysis of African slimy okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) preparations and its correlation with instrumental parameters. Journal of Texture Studies, 1-20.

Yohan Reynaud, Michel Lopez, Alain Riaublanc, Isabelle Souchon, Didier Dupont. Hydrolysis of plant proteins at the molecular and supra-molecular scales during in vitro digestion, Food Research International, Elsevier, 2020, 134, pp.109204. ⟨10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109204⟩

Emilie Dumas, Alice Feurtey, Ricardo C. Rodriguez de la Vega, Stephanie Le Prieur, Alodie Snirc et al. Independent domestication events in the blue-cheese fungus Penicillium roqueforti, Molecular Ecology, Wiley, 2020, pp.1-22. ⟨10.1101/451773⟩

Domitille de Guibert, Marie Hennetier, Francois Martin, Thierry Six, Yingying Gu et al. Flow process and heating conditions modulate the characteristics of whey protein aggregates. Journal of Food Engineering, Elsevier, 2020, 264, pp.109675. ⟨10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.07.022⟩

Pauline Henriet, Flemming Jessen, Mar Vall-Llosera, Rodolphe Marie, Mastaneh Jahromi et al. Physical Stability of Oil-In-Water Emulsion Stabilized by Gelatin from Saithe (Pollachius virens) Skin, Foods, MDPI, 2020, 9 (11), pp.1718. ⟨10.3390/foods9111718⟩

Geeshani Somaratne, Francoise Nau, Maria J. Ferrua, Jaspreet Singh, Aiqian Ye et al. Characterization of egg white gel microstructure and its relationship with pepsin diffusivity, Food Hydrocolloids, Elsevier, 2020, 98, pp.105258. ⟨10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.105258⟩

Ahmed Zouari, Pierre Schuck, Frederic Gaucheron, Mehdi Triki, Guillaume Delaplace et al. Microstructure and chemical composition of camel and cow milk powders’ surface, LWT - Food Science and Technology, Elsevier, 2020, 117, pp.108693. ⟨10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108693⟩

Marine Vincent, Olivia Ménard, Julie Etienne, Jordane Ossemond, Annie Durand et al. Human milk pasteurisation reduces pre-lipolysis but not digestive lipolysis and moderately decreases intestinal lipid uptake in a combination of preterm infant in vitro models. Food Chemistry, Elsevier, 2020, 329, pp.126927. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126927⟩

J. Bauland, M.H. Famelart, S. Bouhallab, R. Jeantet, S. Roustel et al. Addition of calcium and magnesium chlorides as simple means of varying bound and precipitated minerals in casein micelle: Effect on enzymatic coagulation, Journal of Dairy Science, American Dairy Science Association, 2020, 103 (11), pp.9923-9935. ⟨10.3168/jds.2020-18749⟩

Amelia Torcello-Gómez, Didier Dupont, Julien Jardin, Valérie Briard-Bion, Amélie Deglaire et al. The pattern of peptides released from dairy and egg proteins is highly dependent on the simulated digestion scenario. Food and Function, Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, 11 (6), pp.5240-5256. ⟨10.1039/D0FO00744G⟩

Jun Wang, Guilherme de Figueiredo Furtado, Nathalie Monthean, Didier Dupont, Frédérique Pédrono et al. CaCl2 supplementation of hydrophobised whey proteins: Assessment of protein particles and consequent emulsions, International Dairy Journal, Elsevier, 2020, 110, pp.104815. ⟨10.1016/j.idairyj.2020.104815⟩

Le Feunteun Steven, Alan Robert Mackie, Didier Dupont. In silico trials of food digestion and absorption: how far are we?, Current Opinion in Food Science, Elsevier, 2020, 31, pp.121-125. ⟨10.1016/j.cofs.2020.04.006⟩

Ahmed Zouari, Valérie Briard-Bion, Frederic Gaucheron, Pierre Schuck, Claire Gaiani et al. Effect of pH on the physicochemical characteristics and the surface chemical composition of camel and bovine whey protein’s powders. Food Chemistry, Elsevier, 2020, 333, pp.127514. ⟨10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127514⟩

Hervé This, Pour que demain soit meilleur qu'aujourd'hui (éditorial), L'Actualité chimique, N°447, janvier 2020, pp 2-3.

Hervé This, La chimie n'est pas partout, L'Actualité chimique (point de vue), N° 450, juin 2020, pp. 8-9.

Hervé This, L'analyse critique des manuscrits et les conseils donnés aux auteurs. A propos des publications : Klebel et al., 2020, Stern and O'Shea, 2019; Sarabipour et al., 2019; Inrae, 2016. Notes Académiques de l'Académie d'agriculture, 2020, 2, 1-14.

Hervé This, An essay on gastronomics, a part of foodomics for molecular gastronomy, Reference Module in Food Sciences on Comprehensive Foodomics, December 2020,

Hervé This, Profiter des temps confinés pour prévoir une rénovation des études supérieures, L’Actualité chimique, juin 2020, pp. 7-11.

Hervé This, Tester les précisions culinaires : des activités expérimentales pour tous les âges, L’Actualité chimique, N°453, juillet-août 2020, pp. 12-14.

Hervé This, Le concours de blanc en neige : un « atelier expérimental du goût », L’Actualité chimique, N° 453, juillet-août, pp. 15-19.

di Corcia, S., dhuique-Mayer, C., & Dornier, M. (2020). Concentrates from citrus juice obtained by crossflow microfiltration: Guidance of the process considering carotenoid bioaccessibility. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 66, 102526.

Jimenez, N., Bassama, J., Dornier, M., Vaillant, F., Perez, A. M., & Bohuon, P. (2020). Coupling osmotic dehydration with heat treatment for green papaya impregnated with blackberry juice solution. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55, 2551-2561.

Santos da Silveira, J., Mertz, C., Morel, G., Lacour, S., Belleville, M. P., Durand, N., & Dornier, M. (2020). Alcoholic fermentation as a potential tool for coffee pulp detoxification and reuse: analysis of phenolic composition and caffeine content by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS. Food Chemistry, 319, 126600.

Savouré, T., Dornier, M., Vachoud, L., & Collignan, A. (2020). Clustering of instrumental methods to characterize the texture and the rheology of slimy okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) suspensions Journal of Texture Studies, 51, 426-443.

Servent, A., Abreu, F. A. P., Dhuique-Mayer, C., Belleville, M. P., & Dornier, M. (2020). Concentration and purification by crossflow microfiltration with diafiltration of carotenoids from a by-product of cashew apple juice processing. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 66, 102519.

Colin Kay, Michael Clifford, Pedro Mena, Gordon Mcdougall, Cristina Andres-Lacueva, et al.. Recommendations for standardizing nomenclature for dietary (poly)phenol catabolites. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American Society for Nutrition, 2020, 112 (4), pp.1051-1068. ⟨10.1093/ajcn/nqaa204⟩. ⟨hal-02968474⟩

Bitter-Taste Receptors: From Sequence to Structure. C. Bouysset, J. Topin, S. Antonczak, M. Rhyu, J. Golebiowski, S. Fiorucci. Chem. Senses, 2020,45(8), 800.

More than just smell - COVID-19 is associated with severe impairment of smell, taste, and chemesthesis. Global Consortium of Chemosensory Research#. Chem. Senses, 2020, 45(7), 609-622.#Among them: C. Bouysset, S. Fiorucci & J. Golebiowski.

Phonsatta, N., Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Baréa, B., Lecomte, J., Visessanguan, W., Durand, E., Villeneuve, P., Tapingkae, W., & Panya, A. Investigation on the double cutoff phenomenon observed in protocatechuic acid and Its alkyl esters under various CAT-based assays. J Agric Food Chem, 2020. 68(35), 9568-9575.


Metal ions activate the human TAS2R7 receptor. Y. Wang, A.L. Soohoo, W. Lei, R.F. Margolskee, C. Bouysset, J. Golebiowski, H. Zhao, S. Fiorucci, P. Jiang. Chem. Senses, 2019, 44, 339-347.

El Achaby, M., Ruesgas Ramon, M., Fayoud, N.-E., Figueroa-Espinoza, M., Trabadelo, V., Draoui, K., & Ben Youcef, H. Bio-sourced porous cellulose microfibrils from coffee pulp for wastewater treatment. Cellulose, 2019. 26(6), 3873-3889.

Conserved residues control the T1R3-specific allosteric signaling pathway of the mammalian sweet taste receptor. J.B. Chéron, A. Soohoo, Y. Wang, J. Golebiowski, S. Antonczak, P. Jiang, S. Fiorucci. Chem. Senses, 2019, 44, 303-310.

Natural Sweeteners. J.B. Chéron, A. Marchal, S. Fiorucci. In: Melton, L., Shahidi, F., Varelis, P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry, vol. 1, 2019, pp. 189–195. Elsevier.

Ruesgas-Ramón, M., Suárez-Quiroz, M.L., González-Ríos, O., Baréa, B., Cazals, G., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C., & Durand, E. Biomolecules extraction from coffee and cocoa by- and co-products using Deep Eutectic Solvents. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 100 (1), 81-91.

Millet, M., Poupard, P., Guilois-Dubois, S., Poiraud, A., Fanuel, M., Rogniaux, H., & Guyot, S. (2020). Heat-unstable apple pathogenesis-related proteins alone or interacting with polyphenols contribute to haze formation in clear apple juice. Food Chemistry, 309. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125636

Ma, W., Tribet, C., Guyot, S., & Zanchi, D. (2019). Tannin-controlled micelles and fibrils of kappa-casein. Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(24). DOI: 10.1063/1.5128057

Kinetic modelling of individual starch granules swelling, Palanisamy, A (Palanisamy, Arnesh) ; Deslandes, F ; Ramaioli, M ; Menut, P ; Plana-Fattori, A ; Flick, D. FOOD STRUCTURE-NETHERLANDS, 26, 100150

Impact of Pleurotus ostreatus beta-Glucans on Oxidative Stability of Active Compounds Encapsulated in Powders during Storage and In Vitro Digestion, Gallotti, F ; Lavoisier, A ; Turchiuli, C ; Lavelli, V . ANTIOXIDANTS, 9, 12, 1219. DOI: 10.3390/antiox9121219

Novel scaffold of natural compound eliciting sweet taste revealed by machine learning. C. Bouysset, C. Belloir, S. Antonczak, L. Briand, S. Fiorucci. Food Chem., 2020, 324, 126864.

Molecular insights into the structure-function relationships of bitter taste receptors. C. Bouysset, J. Topin, Y. Wang, P. Jiang, J. Golebiowski, S. Antonczak, S. Fiorucci. Chem. Senses, 2020,45, 153.

Boland, M., Kaur, L., Chian, F. M., & Astruc, T. (2019). Muscle Proteins. In L. Melton, F. Shahidi, & P. Varelis (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry (pp. 164-179). Oxford: Academic Press.

Théron L., Sayd T., Chambon C., Vénien A., Viala D., Astruc T., Vautier A., Santé-Lhoutellier V. 2019. Deciphering PSE-like muscle defect in cooked hams: A signature from the tissue to the molecular scale. Food Chemistry, 270 (1), 359-366.

Chian F-M., Kaur L., Oey I., Astruc T., Hodgkinson S., Boland M. 2019. Effect of pulsed electric fields (PEF) on the ultrastructure and in vitro protein digestibility of bovine longissimus thoracis. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 103, 253-259.

Portanguen S., Tournayre P., Sicard J., Astruc T., Mirade P-S. 2019. Toward the design of functional foods and biobased products by 3D printing: A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 86, 188-198.

Astruc T., Loison, O., Jamme F., Réfrégiers M., Vénien A. 2019. Preferred metabolic pathway of bovine muscle fibre revealed by synchrotron–deep ultraviolet fluorescence imaging. Journal of Spectral Imaging, 8, ID a14.

Ruesgas-Ramón, M., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Durand, E., Suárez Quiroz, M. L., González Ríos, O., Rocher, A., Reversat, G., Vercauteren, J., Oger, c., Galano, J.-M., Durand, T., & Vigor, C. Identification and quantification of phytoprostanes and phytofurans of coffee and cocoa by- and co-products. Food & Function, 2019. 10, 6882-6891.

Joanna Moro, Nadezda Khodorova, Catherine Chaumontet, Patrick Even, Anne Blais, Serge Pilard, Douglas N. Rutledge, Delphine Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, Julien Piedcoq, N. Delhaye, Claire Gaudichon, Daniel Tomé, Dalila Azzout-Marniche. Molecular markers of dietary essential amino-acid deficiency, 13th European Nutrition Conference, Dublin (Ireland), 15-18 October 2019.

L. S. Guedes, J. L. P. Segundo Neto, I. C. S. F. Jardim, D. N. Rutledge, C. C. Santana1, M. C. Breitkreitz. Quantification of bioactive compounds of palm oil using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and Chemometrics. Poster : XVII Latin American Symposium on Chromatography and Related Techniques (XVII COLACRO), Aracaju (Brésil), 14-19 July 2019.

D. N. Rutledge. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Common Component Analysis (ComDim). Invited : XVII Latin American Symposium on Chromatography and Related Techniques (XVII COLACRO), Aracaju (Brésil), 14-19 July 2019.

Baninia Habchi, Sandra Alves, Michèle Guillaume, Sylvie Streel, Anne-Françoise Donneau, Brice Appenzeller, Douglas N. Rutledge, Alain Paris, Estelle Rathahao-Paris. High throughput metabolomics using DI-HRMS on a FT-ICR equipped with a dynamically harmonized cell: a methodology for improving the assessment of metadata quality in epidemiological studies. Poster : 12èmes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Francophone de Métabolomique et Fluxomique, Clermont-Ferrand, 21 – 23 Mai 2019

Joanna Moro, Nadezda Khodorova, Catherine Chaumontet, Patrick Even, Anne Blais, Serge Pilard, Delphine Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, Julien Piedcoq, N. Delhaye, Claire Gaudichon, Daniel Tomé, Dalila Azzout-Marniche. Molecular markers of dietary essential amino-acid deficiency. Nutrition 2019, Baltimore, 8-11 June 2019

Rutledge D. N., Schmidtke L. ComDim-ICA : A procedure to perform Multiblock Independent Components Analysis Chimiométrie XX - 2019, Montpellier, 30 janvier- 01 fevrier 2019

Rutledge D. N., Schmidtke L. ComDim-ICA : A procedure to perform Multiblock Independent Components Analysis. Chimiométrie XX - 2019, Montpellier, 30 janvier- 01 fevrier 2019

F. Puig-Castellví, L. Cardona, C. B. Y. Cordella, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, L. Mazeas, D. N. Rutledge. Unraveling the microbial community interactions in anaerobic digesters with Common Components Analysis. Chimiométrie XX - 2019, Montpellier, 30 janvier- 01 fevrier 2019

John C. Castura, Douglas N. Rutledge, Allison K. Baker, Carolyn F. Ross. Investigating perception dynamics and uncertainty in temporal sensory data via independent components analysis (ICA). 13th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Edinburgh, 28 July-1 August 2019

Castillo-Fraire, C. M., Poupard, P., Guilois-Dubois, S., Salas, E., & Guyot, S. (2019). Preparative fractionation of 5 '-O-caffeoylquinic acid oxidation products using centrifugal partition chromatography and their investigation by mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1592, 19-30. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.01.071 Taste Perception of Nutrients Found in Nutritional Supplements: A Review.

Delompré T, Guichard E, Briand L, Salles C.Nutrients. 2019 Sep 2;11(9):2050. doi: 10.3390/nu11092050. Estimation of individual starch granule swelling under hydro-thermal treatment

Deslandes, F (Deslandes, Francois)[ 1,2 ] ; Plana-Fattori, A (Plana-Fattori, Artemio)[ 1 ] ; Almeida, G (Almeida, Giana)[ 1 ] ; Moulin, G (Moulin, Gabrielle)[ 1 ] ; Doursat, C (Doursat, Christophe)[ 1 ] ; Flick, D (Flick, Denis)[ 1 ] FOOD STRUCTURE-NETHERLANDS 22, 100125. DOI: 10.1016/j.foostr.2019.100125

Drying Characteristics of Lemon By-product (Citrus limon. v. lunari): Effects of Drying Modes on Quality Attributes Kinetics'

Ghanem, N (Ghanem, Nesrine)[ 1,4 ] ; Mihoubi, D (Mihoubi, Daoued)[ 2 ] ; Bonazzi, C (Bonazzi, Catherine)[ 3 ] ; Kechaou, N (Kechaou, Nabil)[ 1 ] ; Boudhrioua, N (Boudhrioua, Nourhene)[ 4 ]WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, 11 (1), 303-32

 Phonsatta, N., Luangpituksa, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Lecomte, J., Durand, E., Villeneuve, P., Visessanguan, W., Deetae, P., Uawisetwathana, U., Pongprayoon, W., & Panya, A. Conjugated Autoxidizable Triene-Based (CAT and ApoCAT) Assays: Their Practical Application for Screening of Crude Plant Extracts with Antioxidant Functions in Relevant to Oil-in-Water Emulsions. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2019. 121 (1), 1800239, 1-11.


Millet, M., Poupard, P., Guilois-Dubois, S., Zanchi, D., & Guyot, S. (2019). Self-aggregation of oxidized procyanidins contributes to the formation of heat-reversible haze in apple-based liqueur wine. Food Chemistry, 276, 797-805. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.09.171

Rutledge D. N. Comparison of Principal Components Analysis, Independent Components Analysis and Common Components Analysis. Invited : 7th International Meeting on Chemometric and Quality, Fez (Maroc), 23-25 octobre, 2018

Novel scaffold of natural compound eliciting sweet taste revealed by machine learning.

Bouysset C, Belloir C, Antonczak S, Briand L, Fiorucci S.Food Chem. 2020 Sep 15;324:126864. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126864. Epub 2020 Apr 18.

I. M. Santana, L. Pinto, L. V. de Melo, I. C.S. F. Jardim, D. N. Rutledge, M. C. Breitkreitz, Development of a Multiproduct Method for the Analysis of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs by Ultra High Performance Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (UHPSFC) and Chemometrics.. 32nd International Symposium on Chromatography ISC 2018, Cannes, 23-27 septembre 2018.

Márquez-Rodríguez, A., Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Sánchez-Bojorge, N.-A., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Rodríguez-Valdez, L.-M., Fuentes-Montero, M., & Salas, E. Theoretical Characterization by Density Functional Theory (DFT) of Delphinidin 3-O-sambubioside and its esters obtained by chemical lipophilization. Molecules, 2018. 23(7), 1587.

Benlebna, M., Ruesgas-Ramón, M., Bonafos, B., Fouret, G., Casas, F., Coudray, C., Durand, E., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., & Feillet-Coudray, C. Toxicity of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent Betaine:Glycerol in Rats. J Agric Food Chem, 2018. 66(24), 6205-6212.

H. Mitsutake, G. H. Rodrigues da Silva, L. Nunes de Morais Ribeiro, E. de Paula, D. N. Rutledge, R. J. Poppi, M. C. Breitkreitz. Diferenciação entre cera de abelha natural e sintética para desenvolvimento de NLC usando Análise Discriminante por Componentes Independentes (IC-DA). Encontros Nacionais de Química Analítica, Caldas Novas (Brésil), 16-19 septembre 2018.

Mitsutake, H., de Castro, S. R., de Paula, E., Poppi, R. J., Rutledge, D. N., Breitkreitz, M. C., Evaluation of DifferentP. Mishra, A. Karami, A. Nordon, D. N. Rutledge, J-M. Roger. Automatic pre-processing of hyperspectral images with a wavelength-specific shearlet-based image noise reduction method. CAC2018, Halifax,(Canada), 25-29 june 2018

Chemometrics Methods associated with Raman Mapping to Study Miscibility of Excipients in Lipid-Based Pharmaceutical Formulations. 9th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Victoria, BC (Canada) 11-16 juillet 2018

P. Mishra, A. Karami, A. Nordon, D. N. Rutledge, J-M. Roger. Automatic pre-processing of hyperspectral images with a wavelength-specific shearlet-based image noise reduction method CAC2018, Halifax,(Canada), 25-29 june 2018

Douglas N. Rutledge, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse. Quelques extensions de la methode ComDim. Invited : 50e Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Saclay, (France), 28 mai-01 juin, 2018

Douglas N. Rutledge. Comparison of 3 exploratory multivariate data analysis methods. Invited : 1st Colloquium on Chemometrics, Spectroscopic Imaging and Cultural Heritage Analysis, Paris, (France), 16 janvier, 2018

M. Loudiyi, D. N. Rutledge, A. Aït-Kaddour. Study of salts, gentle heating and ripening effects on experimental Cantal cheese by a multi-block approach. International Conference on Food Processing and Entrepreneurship; A Way Toward Economic Stability, Faisalabad, (Pakistan), 29-30 janvier 2018

M. de Figueiredo, C. B. Y. Cordella, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, D. N. Rutledge. The area under the ROC curve as a variable selection criterion for multiclass classification problems. Chimiométrie XIX - 2018, Paris, 30-31 janvier 2018

A. Kassouf, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, D. N. Rutledge. Détermination du nombre optimal de composantes dans l’analyse en composantes indépendantes. Chimiométrie XIX - 2018, Paris, 30-31 janvier 2018

F. L. F. Soares, N. Locquet, R. L. Carneiro, D.N. Rutledge, D. Jouan-Rimbaud Bouveresse, C.B. Y. Cordella. Aromatech®: a compound identification and chemometric toolbox based on Kováts index. Poster : Chimiométrie XIX-2018, Paris (France), 30-31 Janvier 2018.

N. Estephan, S. Azzi, D. Rutledge, JM. Roger. Suivi de la fermentation des mouts de raisins par l’application de l’ICA et de la PLS-DA sur les données de la GC-MS.

Poster : Chimiométrie XIX-2018, Paris (France), 30-31 Janvier 2018.

S. Guyader, F. Thomas, E. Jamin, B. Bertrand, G. Remaud, D. N. Rutledge.

Combination of 1H-NMR and Chemometrics to observe introgression in green Arabica coffee. Poster : Chimiométrie XIX-2018, Paris (France), 30-31 Janvier 2018.

K. K. Beltrame, T. R. Gonçalves, S.T. M. Gomes, M. Matsushita, D. N. Rutledge, P. H. Março, P. Valderrama. Pseudo-univariate calibration based on ICA applied to image analysis. Poster : Chimiométrie XIX-2018, Paris (France), 30-31 Janvier 2018.

Douglas N. Rutledge. Comparison of Principal Components Analysis, Independent Components Analysis and Common Components Analysis. Invited : AgroStat 2018, Marseille, (France), 13-16 mars, 2018

M. Loudiyia, D. N. Rutledge, A. Aït-Kaddour. ComDim for multi-block data analysis of Cantal-type cheeses: effects of salts, gentle heating and ripening

Oral : International Conference on Raw Materials to Processed Foods, Antalya (Turkey) 11 - 13 avril 2018,

Hery Mitsutake, Douglas N. Rutledge, Ronei J. Poppi, Márcia C. Breitkreitz

Estudo de miscibilidade e transformações estruturais em misturas de PEG 6000/Tween 80® empregando imagem Raman e análise de componentes independentes. Oral : IX Workshop de Quimiometria, Natal (Brésil) 23 - 27 avril 2018,

El Achaby, M., Fayoud, N., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Ben Youcef, H., & Aboulkas, A. New highly hydrated cellulose microfibrils with a tendril helical morphology extracted from agro-waste material: application to removal of dyes from waste water. RSC Advances, 2018. 8(10), 5212-5224.


Ces molécules qui éveillent nos papilles. J.B. Chéron, J. Golebiowski, S. Antonczak, S. Fiorucci. L'Act. Chim. 2017, 416, 11-18.

The anatomy of mammalian sweet taste receptors. J.B. Chéron, J. Golebiowski, S. Antonczak, S. Fiorucci. Proteins. 2017, 85, 332-341.

Sweetness prediction of natural compounds. J.B. Chéron, J. Golebiowski, S. Antonczak, S. Fiorucci. Food. Chem. 2017, 221, 1421-1425.

 Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Salas, E., Barouh, N., Baréa, B., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C. Lipophilization and MS characterization of the main anthocyanins purified from hibiscus flowers. Food Chemistry. 2017. 230:189-194.

Phonsatta, N., Deetae, P., Luangpituksa, P., Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Lecomte, J., Villeneuve, P., Decker, E. A., Visessanguan, W., Panya, A. Comparison of Antioxidant Evaluation Assays for Investigating Antioxidative Activity of Gallic Acid and Its Alkyl Esters in Different Food Matrices. J Agric Food Chem, 2017. 65(34), 7509-75.

Ruesgas-Ramón, M., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Durand, E. Application of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) for Phenolic Compounds Extraction: Overview, Challenges, and Opportunities. J Agric Food Chem, 2017.  65(18), 3591-3601.

Decker, E. A., McClements, D. J., Bourlieu-Lacanal, C., Durand, E., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Lecomte, J., & Villeneuve, P. Hurdles in Predicting Antioxidant Efficacy in Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 2017. 67, 183.

Durand, E., Delavault, A., Bourlieu, C., Lecomte, J., Baréa, B., Figueroa Espinoza, M. C., Decker, E. A., Salaun, F. M., Kergourlay, G., & Villeneuve, P. Eleostearic phospholipids as probes to evaluate antioxidants efficiency against liposomes oxidation. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 2017. 209, 19-28.


Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Salas, E., Barouh, N., Baréa, B., Panya, A., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C. Antioxidant activity of protocatechuates evaluated by DPPH, ORAC, and CAT methods. Food Chem. 2016. 194, 749-757.

Grajeda-Iglesias, C., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Barouh, N., Barea, B., Fernandes, A., De Freitas, V., Salas, E. Isolation and characterization of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa flower. Journal of Natural Products. 2016. 79(7): 1709-1718.


Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C., Zafimahova, A., Maldonado-Alvarado, P., Dubreucq, E., Poncet-Legrand, C. Grape seed and apple tannins: emulsifying and antioxidant properties. Food Chem. 2015. 178, 38-44.


Suárez-Quiroz, M.L., Alonso Campos, A., Valerio Alfaro, G., González Ríos, O., Villeneuve, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C. Isolation of green coffee chlorogenic acids using activated carbon. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2014, 33, 55-8.

Aouf C., Durand E., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M-C., Dubreucq, E., Fulcrand, H., Villeneuve, P. The use of lipases as biocatalysts for the epoxidation of fatty acids and phenolic compounds. Green Chemistry 2014. 16,1740-54.


Suárez-Quiroz, M.L., Taillefer, W., López Méndez, E.M., González-Ríos, O., Villeneuve, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C. Antibacterial activity and antifungal and anti-mycotoxigenic activities against Aspergillus flavus and A. ochraceus of green coffee chlorogenic acids and dodecyl chlorogenates. Journal of Food Safety 2013, 33(3), 360-368.

Suárez-Quiroz, M.L., Alonso Campos, A., Valerio Alfaro, G., González-Ríos, O., Villeneuve, P., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C. Anti-Aspergillus activity of green coffee 5-O-caffeoyl quinic acid and its alkyl esters. Microbial Pathogenesis 2013, 61–62(0), 51-56.

Figueroa-Espinoza, M.C., Laguerre, M., Villeneuve, P. ; Lecomte, J.  From phenolics to phenolipids: Optimizing antioxidants in lipid dispersions. Lipid Technology 2013, 25(6), 131-134.


Laguerre, M., Lopez Giraldo, L. J., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Barea, B., Weiss, J., Decker, E. A., Villeneuve, P. Relationship between hydrophobicity and antioxidant ability of "phenolipids" in emulsion: a parabolic effect of the chain length of rosmarinate esters. J Agric Food Chem 2010, 58, 2869-76.

Sasaki, K., Alamed, J., Weiss, J., Villeneuve, P., López Giraldo, L. J., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Decker, E. A. Relationship between the physical properties of chlorogenic acid esters and their ability to inhibit lipid oxidation in oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chemistry 2010, 118, 830-835.


Laguerre, M., Giraldo, L. J., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Barea, B., Weiss, J., Decker, E. A., Villeneuve, P. Chain length affects antioxidant properties of chlorogenate esters in emulsion: the cutoff theory behind the polar paradox. J Agric Food Chem 2009, 57, 11335-42.

Laguerre, M., Lόpez Giraldo, L., Piombo, G., Figueroa-Espinoza, M., Pina, M., Benaissa, M., Combe, A., Rossignol Castera, A., Lecomte, J., Villeneuve, P. Characterization of olive-leaf phenolics by ESI-MS and evaluation of their antioxidant capacities by the CAT Assay. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 2009, 86, 1215-1225.

López-Giraldo, L. J., Laguerre, M., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Barea, B., Weiss, J., Decker, E. A., Villeneuve, P. Kinetic and stoichiometry of the reaction of chlorogenic acid and its alkyl esters against the DPPH radical. J Agric Food Chem 2009, 57, 863-70.


Villeneuve, P., Barouh, N., Baréa, B., Piombo, G., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Turon, F., Pina, M., Lago, R. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of structured triacylglycerols with conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in central position. Food Chem. 2007, 100, 1443-1452.

Yuji, H., Weiss, J., Villeneuve, P., Lopez Giraldo, L. J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Decker, E. A. Ability of surface-active antioxidants to inhibit lipid oxidation in oil-in-water emulsion. J Agric Food Chem 2007, 55, 11052-6.

López-Giraldo, L. J., Laguerre, M., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Pina, M., Villeneuve, P. Lipophilisation enzymatique de composés phénoliques et évaluation de leurs propriétés antioxydantes. Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides 2007, 16, 273-275.

López Giraldo, L. J., Laguerre, M., Lecomte, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Barouh, N., Baréa, B., Villeneuve, P. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of chlorogenate fatty esters in solvent-free medium. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2007, 41, 721-726.


Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Villeneuve, P. Phenolic acids enzymatic lipophilization. J Agric Food Chem 2005, 53, 2779-87.


Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Poulsen, C., Borch Soe, J., Zargahi, M. R., Rouau, X. Enzymatic solubilization of arabinoxylans from native, extruded, and high-shear-treated rye bran by different endo-xylanases and other hydrolyzing enzymes. J Agric Food Chem 2004, 52, 4240-9.

Goujard, L., Figueroa, M. C., Villeneuve, P. Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of N-arachidonoyl glycine. Biotechnology Letters 2004, 26, 1211-1216.

Villeneuve, P., Baréa, B., Barouh, N., Turon, F., Figueroa-Espinoza, M., Piombo, G., Dhuique-Mayer, C., Pina, M. Toward the synthesis of pyroglutamate lauroyl ester: biocatalysis versus chemical catalysis. Biotechnology Letters 2004, 26, 193-196.


Villeneuve, P., Baréa, B., Sarrazin, P., Davrieux, F., Boulanger, R., Caro, Y., Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Pina, M., Graille, J. Synthesis of pyroglutamic acid fatty esters through lipase-catalyzed esterification with medium chains alcohols. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2003, 33, 79-84.


Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Poulsen, C., Borch Soe, J., Zargahi, M. R., Rouau, X. Enzymatic solubilization of arabinoxylans from isolated rye pentosans and rye flour by different endo-xylanases and other hydrolyzing enzymes. Effect of a fungal laccase on the flour extracts oxidative gelation. J Agric Food Chem 2002, 50, 6473-84.


Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Rouau, X. Effect of cysteinyl caffeic acid, caffeic acid, and L-dopa on the oxidative cross-linking of feruloylated arabinoxylans by a fungal laccase. J Agric Food Chem 1999, 47, 497-503.

Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Morel, M. H., Surget, A., Asther, M., Moukha, S., Sigoillot, J. C., Rouau, X. Attempt to cross-link feruloylated arabinoxylans and proteins with a fungal laccase. Food Hydrocolloids 1999, 13, 65-71.

Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Morel, M.-H., Surget, A., Rouau, X. Oxidative cross-linking of wheat arabinoxylans by manganese peroxidase. Comparison with laccase and horseradish peroxidase. Effect of cysteine and tyrosine on gelation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1999, 79, 460-463.



Figueroa-Espinoza, M. C., Rouau, X. Oxidative cross-linking of pentosans by a fungal laccase and horseradish peroxidase: mechanism of linkage between feruloylated arabinoxylans. Cereal Chemistry Journal 1998, 75, 259-265.

Figueroa-Espinoza, M.-C., Morel, M.-H., Rouau, X. Effect of lysine, tyrosine, cysteine, and glutathione on the oxidative cross-linking of feruloylated arabinoxylans by a fungal laccase. J Agric Food Chem 1998, 46, 2583-2589.