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Timeline, Work Packages

Timeline and Work Packages

Time line and Work Packages

WP1 : Management
Manage the project (follow up of actions and financial management) and outputs delivery by each partner

WP2 : Socio-economical and intercultural outreach
Unesco Chair in World food systems
Identify the needs of socio-economic actors related to the project
Measure the sustainability of actions
To define generally (applicable ideas) and locally (local identification by partner) in the different countries 
Allow to create a European network
Among targeted social populations with specific nutritional needs: Prison, elementary school, people with disabilities, elderly people...

WP3 : Pedagogical content/Training
Creation of the module (existing 2 weeks at Montpellier Supagro + building blocks by hybridation)
Logical construction and structuring of the different intervention areas
Order - duration - hybridization - outputs and evaluation
1 basic module (Tradinnov) + extension possibilities (OFF tradinnov)
Platform courses / tools / videos already made (translation?) - that can be given to students in autonomy
Books and other local documentation 
Make a link with the documentation centers of the partners, in relation to all the documents, what are the accessible references in connection with the project
Link with Unesco Intangible cultural heritage of countries/ transfer of oral recipes/ claims/ French gastronomic meal
Make students aware of this approach

WP4 : Digital innovation and support
Creation and animation of a digital platform
Support for conferences and communication
Synchronous laboratories (interconnected Kitch&lab)
Technical numerical development of the virtual museum of extraordinary culinary gestures
Recorded fieldtrips for documentary development purposes

WP5 : Communication/dissemination
Monthly seminars in different countries
Scientific symposiums
Open to the general public
Culinary bus roadtrips to go to the markets, students explain what they have already done on recipes, to meet different generations
Elderly people – neurocognitive disorders
Impacts on teachers / students / socio-economic actors
Not last year of student’s curriculum as eco-design with Ecotrophelia, but innovation for specific populations justification to do it in second year and not in final year

Food Challenge Day: in physical?
Date that we have the number of students following the existing module at supagro in early December 
Identification of potential interventions in partners countries educational programs
An event that allows students to meet each other to know that they are part of a whole
Profile of students in other partner universities?


IV.1. WP1 : Management 
- Coordinating the project
- Scheduling meetings
- Facilitating meetings
- Minutes of meetings
- Event planning
- Report on events
- Supervision of working time
- Scheduling
- Financials
- Coordination and communication between partners
- Follow-up and supervision
- Legal section

IV.2. WP2 : Socio-economical outreach

IV.2.1. Year One
Unesco Chair in World food systems- Region Occitanie- AREA
In each country, refer to public organizations + via the personal network of partners
Field diagnosis and structuring of the actors
Sending emails, calls, meetings to explain the project, common videocalls or field investigations with the different partners
1 person in charge per country 
Local environment and specificities
Output: European database with contacts and type of need (recipe, product improvement for example...) 
Steering committee to validate or not the actors in relation to the project
Identical constraints in the countries
Feasibility and fields of intervention
Compare the needs of each country
What is traditional in these needs?

IV.2.2. Year 2 
Selection and preliminary visits of some interesting local actors
Invite other European partners during these expert visits 
A kind of student’s study trip: 2 days in France to visit different social stakeholders 
Comparison between countries
Possibility of filming these visits, if necessary with subtitles
Do the same in other countries in the 3nd year

IV.2.3. Year 3 : impact and sustainability
Assure and maintain the sustainability of the network 
Maintain the link with these socio-economic partners in the follow-up of the project, for example through newsletters


IV.3. WP3: Pedagogical content/Training

IV.3.1. Year one
Assessment questionnaires to identify the existing among partners (teaching content and study years) 
Identify common holidays and when to schedule potential common interventions this in the coming years
Culinary science area
List and download resources related to the project (also locally for link with documentation centers)
How are these modules animated? pedagogical practices
In France, what is the link with the partners? 
Participation in student’s final jury and access outputs  

IV.3.2. Year 2
Creation of modules in time and space - based on the current Tradinnov 2 weeks module
Validate the module of 2 weeks + the off Tradinnov
Academia-society cooperation guideline for revisited recipes
Testing by the partners

IV.3.3. Year 3
Testing of modified modules in France
And with partners
Experimenting the guideline


IV.4. WP4: Digital development and support

IV.4.1. Year one
The first 6 months:
Questionnaire to identify resource persons and technical resources
What type of platform is used by partners?
Set up the platform with the content (test and validation)
Audio and technical support for events
Equipment purchases for connected kitchen-labs

IV.4.2. Year 2
Equip labs to be interconnected for experimental works and monthly seminars
Test platform in module
Follow-up of the platform

IV.4.3. Year 3
Improvement and deployment to diversify uses 
Platform follow-up
Museum of extraordinary culinary gestures


IV.5. WP5: Communication/dissemination

IV.5.1. Year one
Presentation by supagro of what has been done in previous years in supagro tradinnov module
Managing the newsletter
Organize events and communicate 
Mid and end of project reports

IV.5.2. Year 2
Monthly seminars of molecular gastronomy among partners’ countries (live and interconnected)

IV.5.3. Year 3
Culinary bus roadtrips with students 
Documentary on the whole project
With the different experiments
SupAgro tests each year



Year One
European experts intervene in the 2 weeks’ module in France and participate in the technical fieldtrips to meet socio-economical actors.
Creation of European network of experts and socio-economical stakeholders in relation with science and culinary activities 
Digital platform enrichment
European partners have the pedagogical feedback from France

Year two
Module testing in France and virtually by partners
Participation in monthly seminars of molecular gastronomy
Preparation and animation of Food Challenge Day beginning of January
Elaboration of academia-society cooperation guideline for revisited recipes

Year three
Creation of Food Challenge Day
Monthly seminars of molecular gastronomy
Culinary bus roadtrips with students for work results dissemination



Monthly meetings by visioconference
Kick off meeting with all partners and an additional one per year

Year One
1 or 3 visits to Montpellier 
Communication opportunities in conferences
Monthly seminars of molecular gastronomy

Year Two
Visits to European partners’ countries for technical interaction and fieldtrips with socioeconomical stakeholders
European partners participate in the evaluation of student’s work in the 2 weeks module
Common experimental works among students (presential or hybrid)

Year Three
European students meet for Food Challenge Day (country to be defined)
Culinary bus mobility with students for local anchoring and interaction in regions of each country