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Bruno Moreira Leite

Bruno Moreira Leite

Bruno Moreira Leite, member of the Editorial Board

Graduated in Economics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, Brazil), Gastronomy and Culinary from Universidade Estácio de Sá (RJ, Brazil). He attended a specialization course in Cuisine Régionale Française and Cuisine de Bistrot at Alain Ducasse Formation (ADF). He has a master's degree in Gastronomic Sciences (NOVA FCT / ISA UL) and a doctorate in Food Sciences (NOVA FCT / Universidade de Évora), with a specialization in food science and technology. He has also a career spanning around 20 years in the field of gastronomy and food science. In addition to working in several establishments, he was a restaurant owner for two and a half years. Currently, he is an invited teacher at NOVA FCT, where he teaches 5 disciplines of the Master's degree in Gastronomic Sciences, and researcher at the Molecular Gastronomy Laboratory. His research area encompasses diverse topics such as seaweed in human nutrition, development of new products, food hydrocolloids and molecular gastronomy.

The full CV here



Date de modification : 05 février 2024 | Date de création : 02 février 2024 | Rédaction : Hervé This, vo Kientza