Science, technology, engineering and technique

Science, technology, engineering and technique

The analysis of the articles published by a journal of “food science and technology” demonstrates that there is indeed very few science in this journal, and a lot of food technology.

Article published in the Opinion section :

This, vo Kientza H. 2024. Science, technology, engineering and technique, International Journal of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 10(1),4, 1-13. DOI: 10.17180/ijmpg-2024-art04.

26 June 2023
Accepted :
22 February 2024
Published :
4 March 2024

Paulo Sobral, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Reviewers :
1. Anonymous
2. Anonymous

Cite as:
This, vo Kientza H. 2024. Science, technology, engineering and technique, International Journal
of Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, 10(1),4, 1-13.
DOI: 10.17180/ijmpg-2024-art04.


To download the article : here

Date de modification : 18 juin 2024 | Date de création : 04 mars 2024 | Rédaction : Hervé This, vo Kientza